Columbia, SC Early Intervention for K-5 and 1st Graders

SEARCH & TEACH© Early Intervention 

SEARCH & TEACH© early intervention program developed to meet the educational needs of young learners before they experience the frustration of learning failure. This differs from NILD Educational Therapy®, which is designed to help students who have documented learning difficulties, and in many cases have already experienced frustration and failure in the regular classroom. SEARCH is a scanning instrument for identification of potential learning challenges while TEACH is the aspect of the program that works on learning tasks for the prevention of learning disabilities. If you suspect your child may have some type of learning issue, this is a good tool for early detection and intervention. We offer SEARCH & TEACH at our learning disorder assesment center in Columbia, SC.

early intervention

SEARCH is a 20-minute individual test designed to identify 5 and 6-year-olds who are vulnerable to learning difficulty, and to provide profiles of individual strengths and weaknesses in the readiness skills necessary for reading success.

TEACH is a program of 55 learning activities called 'tasks,' carefully designed to address the needs revealed by SEARCH. TEACH is generally offered to individuals in a center, resource room, or small area within a classroom.

A Powerful Pair
The strength of SEARCH & TEACH© offered in Columbia, is in early intervention. This two-fold approach offers educators an efficient and effective tool for catching learning deficits at the beginning of a child's academic career before the downward spiral of failure begins. With proper and timely identification and intervention, many children can be spared the life-long consequences of learning disorders.

History of SEARCH & TEACH©

SEARCH & TEACH© was developed by Archie Silver, M.D. (child psychiatrist), Rosa A. Hagin, Ph.D. (psychologist) and the staff of the Learning Disorders Unit at New York University School of Medicine and is based on extensive interdisciplinary research on the diagnosis and treatment of learning disorders. It has been implemented in a large variety of school settings throughout the United States.

This exceptional program was unanimously approved by the Joint Dissemination and Review Panel of the U.S. Office of Education for its:

  • Educational Impact
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Replicability

SEARCH & TEACH© has been cited since 1980 in the USOE publication Educational Programs That Work.


Hagin, R.A. (1984) Effects on first grade promotion practices of a program for the prevention of learning disabilities. Psychology in the Schools. 21, 471-476.

Silver, A.A. & Hagin, R.A. (1972) Profile of a first grade. The American Journal of Child Psychiatry. 11, 645-674.

Silver, A.A., Hagin, R.A., & Beecher, R. (1978) Scanning, diagnosis, and intervention in prevention of reading disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 11, 437-449.

Silver, A.A. & Hagin, R.A. (1990) Disorders of Learning. New York, John Wily & Sons, Inc.

Silver, A.A. & Hagin, R.A. (1994) Prevention of learning disabilities. In Handbook of Studies on Preventive Psychiatry. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsivier.

The information above is excerpted from an article written by Dr. Rosa Hagin. For more than 40 years, Dr. Hagin has been a forerunner in the field of learning disabilities. She has been associated with the Orton-Dyslexia Society since 1960 and, in 1994 was given the Samuel T. Orton Award for her contribution to the field of learning disabilities. Dr. Hagin has served on numerous national councils and has contributed research in many areas of both child and adult literacy. Her research, in conjunction with Dr. Silver, is the foundation for many NILD techniques. Dr. Hagin's final position was as research professor of psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine, researching in the area of the neuropsychological core of reading. Dr. Hagin passed away in 2014.

Contact us to set up a SEARCH scan.

(803) 419-0126

Services available in Columbia, SC metro area and via telehealth.

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